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Ancient Arabia – female portraits. Jewelry on sculptures


“Bronze statue of a female worshipper in the act of burning a pinch of frankincense. The woman wears necklaces and a round pendant with rays, probably an amulet (National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ, inv. no. YM 289)

The South Arabian woman, Antonini & Robin

ʿAtaq, Museum, ATM 284
Stela representing a female bust with her right hand raised and her left one holding a sheaf of wheat. The woman wears a pleated tunic, an elaborate necklace and bracelets on each wrist. Neck with multiple necklines. Either the tunic or the necklace are very similar to those of CIAS P 45/s 4/46.11=CSAI I, 300 and CIAS P 45/s 4/98.Fr=CSAI I, 302.
Face completely damaged; head slightly protruding from the upper limit of the slab. Lower semicircle-shaped limit of the bust defined by a grooved band. High relief.
The Walters 21.73
South Arabia,1st C BCE – 1st C CE
“Rising from a roundel, a woman raises her right hand with the palm open toward the viewer. Her left hand holds a stylized bundle of wheat. She represents a priestess, who intercedes with the sun goddess on behalf of the donor. The donor’s name, Rathadum, is written below the roundel.”

The animal-head terminals of the bracelets, necklaces and earrings were first developed in Achaemenid art and became popular in Greece during the 5th century BCE.

Necklace in gold and carnelian with antelope heads from Kharibat Hamdān/ Haram preserved in the National Museum of Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 25392)

To compare

Necklace, gold and glass paste, the terminals in the shape of antelope heads.
Attributed to the Taranto workshop, dated to the late second century BCE.
Catalog of the Altamura Museum

  • Gioielli sudarabici da Kharibat Hamdān/ Haram (Jawf, Yemen): osservazioni preliminari, Sabina Antonini de Maigret, Fabio Betti, Leila ‘Alī ‘Aqīl