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Earring, Han dynasty [d/b]

Earring, Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) Gold with turquoise inlays; L. 2.4 cm.; W. 2.34 g
Excavated in 1996, from Tomb I. Gouxi, the Ancient City of Jiaohe.
Collection of Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology

“There is a curved thin hook welded on the back for ear piercing. The shape of the gold earrings is very unique. The whole is an abstract bull’s head shape, and it is divided into gold frames according to different parts. The horns, nose and other frames are inlaid with turquoise, the forehead and ear frames are inlaid with white stones, and the mouth frame is inlaid with turquoise. The inlay is missing. Gold earrings come in gold, green, and white colors, with rich color levels and imaginative shapes.”

Photo and info:
Mountain Tianshan. Ancient Roads. The Meeting of East and West: The Extraordinary Cultural Relics from the Silk Road in Xinjiang, 中国社会科学出版社, 2002

“镶绿松石金耳 饰
汉代 ( 公元前 206 年—公元 220 年 )
长 2 . 4 厘米 , 重 2.34 克
1996 年吐鲁番市交河沟西
1 号墓地 1 号墓出土

背面焊接有弯曲状的细钩,用于 穿耳系挂。金耳饰的造型很别 致,整体为 一 抽象的牛头形,并 按不同的部位分割成若于金框, 牛角、鼻等框内镶嵌绿松石,额、 耳框内镶嵌白色石料,嘴框内的 镶嵌物缺失。金耳饰呈现出金 、 绿 、 白的颜色,色彩层次丰富,造 型富有想象力”

Kolczyk płaski [2D], z prostym podziałem na komórki wypełnione błękitnym i zielonym turkusem oraz białym kamieniem.