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Luna / Atargatis. Lintel with three deities from Mashara, Syria

Lintel with deities from Mashara.
Photos from: A Lintel from the Bashan Depicting Three Deities, M. BEN-DOV.
A Lintel from the Bashan Depicting Three Deities, M. BEN-DOV.

Altar dedicated to Atargatis.
Photo Ovadiah after Julien Aliquot

Lintel bearing the representation of a god similar to Baalshamin, between the busts of Sol and of Luna from a village of Mashara, Syria.
“In my opinion, all these monuments suggest the existence of a sanctuary dedicated to a great god possibly associated with the goddess Atargatis, to whom one of the altars found on site is dedicated.” [Julien Aliquot]

Dedication from the Mashara altar is addressed to the goddess Atargatis by Marthonè daughter of Thouaemè, for the salvation of her and Molaich, probably her husband. [Julien Aliquot]

  • Julien Aliquot. Histoire et épigraphie de la Gaulanitide: le cas de Mashara (Syrie) [History and epigraphy of the ancient Gaulanitis: the case of Mashara]. Al-Bassel Centre for archaeological research and training, The Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums, Ministry of Culture. The history and antiquities of Al-Golan. The international colloquium 2007-2008, Al-Bassel Centre for archaeological research and training, The Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums, Ministry of Culture, pp.129-137, 2009. ffhalshs-00591207ff
  • A Lintel from the Bashan Depicting Three Deities, M. BEN-DOV.
    Israel Exploration Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3/4 (1974), pp. 185-186 (3 pages)
  • LES LINTEAUX A FIGURES DIVINES EN SYRIE MÉRIDIONALE, Jacqueline Dentzer-Feydy Revue Archéologique, Nouvelle Série, Fasc. 1 (1992), pp. 65-102 (38 pages)

Goddess Luna, fragment of a lintel from Mashara
Facsimile by J. Dentzer-Feydy after Julien Aliquot