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Brooch from the Peschanyj Barrow, Sarmatian, 1st century BCE [d/b]

Fibula-brooch – carnelian intaglio with the image of the goddess Nike. Gold, carnelian, garnets, iron. Second half of the 1st c. BCE.
Peschanyj Barrow 1, burial 10; Krasnodar region [Хутор Песчаный].

1979, excavations by A.M. Zhdanovsky.


northeastern Black Sea Maeotian-Sarmatian
late 2nd- early 1st C BCE
Gold, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, glass; 71 x 61 mm
Thaw Collection

The brooches. The Kuban (2nd–1st centuries BCE).
1 – Razdol’naya Barrow 7, burial 13;
2, 9 – Lenina-I burial 12;
3 – Starokorsunskaya chance find;
4 – Verkhniy Barrow 3, burial 5;
5 – Verkhniy Barrow 14;
6 – Bryukhovetskaya Barrow 3, burial 13;
7 – Peschanyj Barrow 1, burial 10; [Krasnodar region]
8 – Mezmay burial 3;
10 – Dinskaya Barrow 1, burial 3.
[Drawings and photos by V. Mordvintseva; in Barbarians of the North Pontic Region and Their Contacts… In: Cojocaru, V. – Rubel, A. (ed.), Mobility in Research on the Black Sea Region. Cluj-Napoca 2016. (Pontica et Mediterranea VI). P. 381-432. ]