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Cylindrical amulet containers – an overview

Amulet case, length 7.6 cm
Egypt, 1850-1800 BCE 
The upper cap is removable.
British Museum

Phoenician gold amulet case, 8th-3rd century BCE
British Museum [museum record]

RAM – Plovdiv

Gold Pyxis – a small vessel that most often contained cosmetic products 
5th century BCE; Kukova Mogila mound, Duvanlii village, Plovdiv region, Bulgaria

Gold pyxis, H 2.5 cm, W 3 cm, weight 27.9 g. 4th-3rd century BCE, “Ormankov Grob”, Tremnik village, Negotino Municipality, North Macedonia
[read more]

1st century BCE, Židovar, Serbia [read more]

amulet – container British museum
Gandhara, 2nd-3rd century; length 8 cm
gold, garnet, serpentine

Amulet container, Greek, 3rd century BCE
diameter: 2,0 cm; in the Hermitage
Roman amulet case, 2nd-3rd century; British Museum
Amulet capsule from the 2nd-3rd C Egypt, State museums in Berlin

Amulet from State museums in Berlin from the 2nd-3rd century Egypt. The chased decoration shows two snakes in crowns, which may be a reference to the figures of Isis and Serapis. An amphora between snakes, birds and fish around.
The underside is decorated with a geometric surface pattern; the reverse bears a mirror-image Greek inscription with a protective formula. An amulet is 3.5 cm long.
Farther reading:
Notes on the furniture of children’s tombs in Greco-Roman Egypt: associated furniture and furniture depicted [Remarques sur le mobilier des tombes d’enfants dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine: mobilier associé et mobilier représenté]
Marie-Dominique Nenna

Syria Roman period, 4th century; length ~5 cm
“Cylindrical four-bail case, closed with opening at one end (cap). Object entirely decorated with granulated patterns. 
5 groups of large granules arranged in a pyramid.”

2nd-4th century. Length 2.0 cm; 
diameter 0.9 cm.
A hollow cylindrical pendant made of a thin plate, tightened by three clips turning into loops; ends are closed. 
On the front side there are two round blue glass inserts surrounded by profiled wire. The rest of the surface is decorated with filigree. The inside of the amulet is filled out.
Одна из исследованных амулетниц с сохранным заполнением из могильника Фронтовое 3 [Frontovoe 3, Crimea, Ukraine]
Исследование показало, что внутри полой амулетницы находится какое-то вещество, «запечатанное» во внутреннем объёме украшений.

ГМЗ ХТ. ИКАМ 36572/739

At the Kyz-Aul necropolis (Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, Ukraine) a new field season of the South Bosporan Archaeological Expedition [russian] began under the leadership of archaeologist Pavel Getsko. Almost immediately an interesting discovery was made – the tip of a military spear. The artifact was found in a layer of plunder waste next to a monumental stone crypt. Last year, in the same place, archaeologists from the Institute of Archeology of Crimea and volunteers from the Archeology Foundation found unique gold jewelry – antique amulets, one of which was engraved with an ancient magic spell. [July 2023 or]

  • Notes on the furniture of children’s tombs in Greco-Roman Egypt: associated furniture and furniture depicted [Remarques sur le mobilier des tombes d’enfants dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine: mobilier associé et mobilier représenté], Marie-Dominique Nenna