10th century treasure found by chance in Jaén.

Foto: UngarischesNationalmuseum, Budapest.
“It is a piece that in principle can be treated as a diadem, although nothing prevents it from being a girdle, articulated in seven pieces, of which two are intentionally distal, pentagonal in shape, finished in rings welded at their ends. , to use a tape. These distal elements frame five rectangular-shaped plates, in the center of which is a head for a false glass paste gem. These have a finial, in the upper part, consisting of triangles. All plates are made of sheet metal, hollow inside. The plates are simple, opposed and bent at their edges, which are welded.
The decoration uses various techniques, which occupy certain areas. Embossing is used to make a vegetative band on the sides leading to the apex of the triangles, as well as for the small triangles at the top of the central area, decorated with lotus flowers with the tips up. Single flattened threads frame the vegetal decoration of the extreme triangles, and double flattened twisted threads form circles in the center of the triangles. A wavy band, of flattened double wire, marks the separation of the central plates. Die-cut and welded buttons are in the center of the circles, as well as framing each side and top rectangle on the rectangular plates.”
Expo “Las artes del metal en Al-Ándalus” https://twitter.com/RetoHistorico/status/1356332753856434176
Treasure of Charilla (Museum of Jaén) http://man.es/man/exposicion/exposiciones-temporales/artes-metal.html
The tiara is formed by a rectangular main plate made of a thin gold sheet. Two pentagonal plates are welded at each end of the main plate. The pentagonal triangular pieces end in a ring. The base plate has been embossed with floral motifs. The central body is divided into five rectangles. Each of the rectangles has a central oval cabochon containing glass paste of different colours.
This diadem was among the pieces discovered by chance in 1977 in the vicinity of the hamlet of Charilla (Alcalá la Real, Jaén). No contextual information for it exists.
Diadem of Charilla
Created: 942 – 970 CE
Lokalizacja: Charilla Village. (Alcalá La Real, Jaén)
Length=21.6 cm; Width=4.6 cm

Charilla’s Treasure Belt. Ana Manzano [photo]