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The princely grave of Gommern, Germany, Barbaricum; 3rd C

Matthias Becker presents the restored 3rd century shield boss [photo]

“The princely grave of Gommern is one of the richest and best preserved graves in Germania magna from the Roman imperial era. It was located on a dune on the Gerstenberg near Gommern, in the Jerichower Land district. It was discovered in 1990 by volunteer conservationists .

During the archaeological excavation, a wooden burial chamber measuring 2 × 3 meters was uncovered and recovered in the block. The processing of the block and the restoration of the finds followed in ten years of laboratory work. It was about the burial of a 25 to 30 year old man who died around the middle of the 3rd century. The rich additions made of gold, silver, bronze, glass and wood suggest a high-ranking personality.

A large pompous shield, the hump of which was made from a Roman silver vessel, as well as other objects of Roman origin such as coins, glass vessels and a bronze tripod indicate connections to the Roman Empire. Next to it was a wide leather belt decorated with gold leaf with pressed sheet metal applications and silver buckles from Germanic manufacture.” [wiki]