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Hegra / Mada’in Saleh. Nabatean and Roman time Arabia

Nabatean monumental tombs in Madâ’in Sâlih (northwest Saudi Arabia) were erected in the 1st century CE.

Madâ’in Sâlih monumental tombs
Source: The Nabataeans of Ancient Arabia, by James Wiener
After Charlène Bouchaud

Textile fragment from a tomb IGN 20 Photo © Mission archéologique Madâ’in Sâlih, after Charlène Bouchaud

IGN 20, dyed cloth, blue and yellow checked motif (50053_T27)
[Report 2008]
Red cloth wrapping burial 50068 in a tomb IGN 20.
After Yvonne Gerber [Report 2009]

“dyed cloth with bands of geometric motifs used to wrap the individual buried in pit SF1 (50068_T1)” [Report 2008]

A fragment of textile (50421_T03) found in tomb IGN 88
[Report 2014]
IGN 20, complete piece of hemstitched cloth (50045_T4)
[Report 2008]
IGN 20, dyed cloth, purple color (50066_T2)
[Report 2008]
Textile fragment unearthed at Mada’in Saleh in Saudi Arabia. (Photo: Courtesy of Dr. Nehmé.)
Source: The Nabataeans of Ancient Arabia, by James Wiener
Rope (50168_T01) found in locus 50168, tomb IGN 117
After Yvonne Gerber [Report 2009]
A fragment of thin roping (50411_T01) found in grave SF1, tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]
IGN 20, woven strip (50053_T25)
[Report 2008]
IGN 20, leather strip with hemstitched geometric design (50045_L8)
[Report 2008]
IGN 20, square piece of leather with a hem (50041_L13)
[Report 2008]
A fragment of leather (50420_L03) found in tomb IGN 88
[Report 2014]
Goat or sheep (?) leather fragment 50054_L01 with junction leather strips discovered in a tomb in Madāʾin Ṣāliḥ.
Photo ©Laïla Nehmé
A bronze bracelet (50405_M01) found in a burial of a juvenile; grave SF9, tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]
Glass beads, a burial of a juvenile; grave SF9, tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]
A fragment of seed necklace (?) found encased in resin, 50420_V01. tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]
A seed cut in half (photograph C. Bouchaud)
tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]
Shells sewn onto pieces of leather, 50421_Sh01
tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]
Shells sewn onto pieces of leather, detail of 50421_Sh01
tomb IGN 103
[Report 2014]

  1. Le bois et les fruits des tombeaux nabatéens de Madâ’in Sâlih/Hégra (Arabie Saoudite), Charlène Bouchaud
  2. Sachet I., Delhopital N., “Area 5, Work in the Monumental Tombs”, dans Nehmé L., al Talhi D. and Villeneuve F. (dir.), Hegra I: Report on the First Excavation Season (2008) at Madâ’in Sâlih, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, Supreme Commission for Tourism, p. 205-258.
  3. Report on the second season (2009) of the Madâ’in Sâlih Archaeological Project, Yvonne Gerber
  4. Report on the Fifth Season (2014) of the Madâ’in Sâlih Archaeological Project
  5. Laïla Nehmé, The camel in the Nabataean realm
  6. New discoveries in a Nabataean tomb. Burial practices and ‘plant jewellery’ in ancient Hegra (Madâ’in Sâlih, Saudi Arabia)