Police in Madrid recovered [in 2023] 11 pieces of gold artifacts worth over 60 million Euro, belonging to the historical heritage of Ukraine, which were stolen and illegally exported for sale in Spain. In cooperation with the Ukrainian security services, agents arrested five people – two Spaniards and three Ukrainians – on suspicion of money laundering and forming a criminal network involved in the illegal trade of cultural goods from this country.
The jewels, which were part of the collection presented at an exhibition in the Kiev museum in 2009–2013, illegally left Ukraine before May 2016. After the exhibition, the works came into the possession of an Orthodox priest who, in consultation with another Ukrainian and third parties, forged documents confirming their ownership. Investigation into the so-called Operation Cuzco began when agents learned that a Ukrainian citizen living in Madrid was selling a series of gold jewelry from Ukraine.
Experts suspect that the collection found by Spanish police may include fakes.
More about this [or a similar] belt >> https://colorsandstones.eu/2024/04/07/hellenistic-golden-belt-with-rams-heads-d-b/
The first intervention regarding a golden belt with rams’ heads took place in 2021, after which the Police managed to prove that the suspects had more similar items. In 2022, intervention was carried out on a similar belt, finding the rest of the pieces in the following months.
Necklace / torc
Perfume bottle, 3rd century BCE, gold and carnelian

Gold pectoral, Au 207 g
- https://www.noticiasdegipuzkoa.eus/sociedad/2023/10/23/recuperan-madrid-11-joyas-oro-7417758.html
- https://news.uaportal.com/ukr/section-news/news-v-madride-nashli-vyivezennyie-iz-ukrainyi-ukrasheniya-skifskih-vremen-na-60-millionov-evro-foto-i-video-23-10-2023.html
- https://root-nation.com
- https://www.cronicabalear.es/sucesos/intervenidas-11-piezas-de-oro-valoradas-en-mas-de-60-millones-de-euros-en-madrid/
- https://horyn.info/news/vykradene-z-ukrayiny-moskovskymy-popamy-skifske-zoloto-konfiskuvaly-v-ispaniyi/
- https://www.unian.ua/society/do-vikradennya-skifskogo-zolota-na-60-milyoniv-yevro-prichetniy-predstavnik-upc-mp-foto-12434700.html
- https://kp.ua/ua/incidents/a678591-chi-vse-skifske-shcho-zoloto-abo-tajemnitsja-ukrajinskikh-artefaktiv-iz-madridu
- https://ukraine.segodnya.ua/ukraine/ukraintsy-uvidjat-dva-decjatka-neizvectnykh-shedevrov-169064.html#gallery13593