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Funerary reliefs with a rhyton

Greek votive relief from Piraeus dedicated to Dionysus by a group of actors after a theatrical performance, possibly the Bacchantes by Euripides. Dionysus is shown lying on a couch (klinè), holding a rhyton and a phiale. At the foot of the couch stands a woman, Paideia, facing a man who holds a theatrical mask in his left hand. Two actors are present, one holding an eardrum and the other a mask and an eardrum. Dated to ca 400 BCE.
In the NAM Athens, inv. no. 1500
Source: Catalog of NAMA, Nikolaos Kaltsas, p. 325

  1. Votive relief at the NAMA, Nr 3872
  2. Votive relief. Pentelic marble. Found in the sanctuary of Eleusis. The relief belongs to the “funerary banquet” type. A god is depicted at the right on a couch, at the foot of which sits his companion, holding a wreath or ribbon. In front of them is a table with food. At the left, behind another table, Persephone crowns Demeter. A wine-pourer at the left edge draws wine from a krater. According to the inscription beneath the representation, the plaque was dedicated by Lysimachides. 350-325 B.C. National Archaeological Museum of Athens. Athens, Greece. Text: Museum inscription.

Alabaster urn cover with a very interesting detail – a man reclining on a couch holds a rhyton with a horse promote. Etruscan inscription reads: Larth flave (son) of Sethre (and) Velusnei.
Hellenistic from Volterra (Italy); 2nd century BCE.
The alabaster urn with a scene of Centauromachy comes from Volterra also, but belonged to an other sarcophagus.
In the Louvre