Bracelets from Nogaichik barrow, Sarmatian grave from Crimea [d/b]BLACK SEA region db, bracelets db, DATA BASE, SARMATIAN, UKRAINE
Belts, belt buckles and plaques – RomanBelt / buckle / plaques, COMPILATIONS / galleries, DATA BASE, JEWELRY db
The Dalverzin Tepe, Kushan treasure 1st-4th centuryBelt / buckle / plaques, GANDHARA, HATRA, necklace db, PARTHIAN, torque / torc db, Uzbekistan
Jewelry of Ancient Georgia. CatalogBLACK SEA REGION, COMPILATIONS / galleries, GEORGIA, JEWELRY db, MEDALLIONS
Roman period necklaces with pendants – an overviewBLACK SEA REGION, Bulgaria, COMPILATIONS / galleries, JEWELRY db, MEDALLIONS, necklace db
Cameos with portraits of Empresses – overviewCOMPILATIONS / galleries, Gemstones, GEMSTONES, metals, TECHNIQUES, JEWELRY db
Necklaces Greek / Hellenistic, and Roman time. OverviewBLACK SEA REGION, COMPILATIONS / galleries, DATA BASE, GREEK / HELLENISTIC, JEWELRY db, necklace db, SARMATIAN