Bust of Juno, Etruscan, 380 BCE [d/b]DATA BASE, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, TEXTILES / garments
Woman or goddess, wearing a stephane diadem; Etruscan, Umbria [d/b]DATA BASE, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures
Hellenistic statue of a muse (?) from the Library of Alexandria [d/b]DATA BASE, DECORATED ATTIRE sculptures, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures
Fayum portraits – the necklace-like head ornaments. OverviewFAYUM, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, MY FAVORITE TOPICS
Roman period wall paintings – overview from the database of Alix BarbetJewelry on paintings and sculptures
Ancient treasures from the Al Thani CollectionCOMPILATIONS / galleries, FEMALE portraits db, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, SILK ROAD
Mosaic from the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in AquileiaJewelry on paintings and sculptures, MY FAVORITE TOPICS, TEXTILES / garments
Figurines of children from the Boubasteion, Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egypt – overviewJewelry on paintings and sculptures, TEXTILES / garments
The problem of gender recognition in incomplete “Fayum” portraitsFAYUM, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, MY FAVORITE TOPICS, TEXTILES / garments
Jewelry on sculptures and the real examples – Roman time SyriaDISCRIMINALIA ornaments, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, SYRIA
Woman or goddess in Persian costume, 4th C BCE, Egypt [d/b]COSTUMES, DATA BASE, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures
Matrons from the Rhineland; discriminalia [d/b]DISCRIMINALIA ornaments, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures
Zebuca, a girl from Aquincum, Roman Hungary, 200-300; discriminalia [d/b]DANUBE Limes, DATA BASE, DISCRIMINALIA ornaments, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures
Women from early Christian frescos – jewelry on paintingsJewelry on paintings and sculptures, TEXTILES / garments
Jewelry on sculptures – Ancient GreeceEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN Region, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures
Palmyra, Tomb of Three Brothers – sources [d/b]DATA BASE, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, PALMYRA db, Palmyra sources db
Jewelry on sculptures – EtruscanFEMALE portraits db, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, SCULPTURES, TEXTILES / garments
Multi-string necklaces on Palmyra sculpturesCOMPILATIONS / galleries, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, PALMYRA
Priestess of Aphrodite? Shell / crescent motif on sculptures. Isis/Aphrodite/Tyche/Artemis/AtargatisJewelry on paintings and sculptures, priestess
Horus lock on funerary reliefs from PalmyraDEITIES, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, PALMYRA, PALMYRA db, SYRIA
Aquamarine heads of Sabina from Venice and FlorenceGemstones, GEMSTONES, metals, TECHNIQUES, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures