The Dalverzin Tepe, Kushan treasure 1st-4th centuryBelt / buckle / plaques, GANDHARA, HATRA, necklace db, PARTHIAN, torque / torc db, Uzbekistan
Multi-string necklaces on Palmyra sculpturesCOMPILATIONS / galleries, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, PALMYRA
Medallions with portraits from Palmyra, paintings and sculpturesMEDALLIONS, PALMYRA, PALMYRA db, SYRIA
Jewelry of Ancient Georgia. CatalogBLACK SEA REGION, COMPILATIONS / galleries, GEORGIA, JEWELRY db, MEDALLIONS
Roman period necklaces with pendants – an overviewBLACK SEA REGION, Bulgaria, COMPILATIONS / galleries, JEWELRY db, MEDALLIONS, necklace db
Priestess of Aphrodite? Shell / crescent motif on sculptures. Isis/Aphrodite/Tyche/Artemis/AtargatisJewelry on paintings and sculptures, priestess
Cameos with portraits of Empresses – overviewCOMPILATIONS / galleries, Gemstones, GEMSTONES, metals, TECHNIQUES, JEWELRY db
Necklaces Greek / Hellenistic, and Roman time. OverviewBLACK SEA REGION, COMPILATIONS / galleries, DATA BASE, GREEK / HELLENISTIC, JEWELRY db, necklace db, SARMATIAN
Horus lock on funerary reliefs from PalmyraDEITIES, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures, PALMYRA, PALMYRA db, SYRIA
Aquamarine heads of Sabina from Venice and FlorenceGemstones, GEMSTONES, metals, TECHNIQUES, Jewelry on paintings and sculptures