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Round brooches 6th-7th C – overview


  1. Fibule a disco di VI-VII secolo in Italia; Martina Dalceggio
  2. Le fibule a disco di Castel Trosino: produzione locale o urbana? Riflessioni e spunti per una discussione; Martina Dalceggio
  3. I Longobardi. Un popolo alle radici della nostra Storia, Elena Percivaldi

The silver fibula was found at the height of the clavicles of the deceased which was attired with a mantle with: a beaded edge, a wing with smaller triangles and this brooch (umbo central button); a typical Roman-Byzantine.

In the eastern cemetery area of ​​Columbaris, among the 157 burials found there is the Capuchin tomb n. 80; Sardinia.
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Early medieval necropolis of Castel Trosino (Ascoli Piceno), female burial tomb S (inv. 1277)
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Langobardic brooches from Castel Trosino >>
“Round gold filigree fibula. 
It is made up of two overlapping discs, surrounded by a braided wire. The ornamentation of the first disk is given by S reverses and faced, whose upper end makes only one turn, while the lower one makes three. The decoration of the upper disc is obtained by means of circles. A carnelian is set in the center. 
A fish herringbone pattern runs along the outer edge of the two discs.”
Byzantine production; 600-649, Langobardic necropolis near Udine, in Lovaria
diameter 3.9 cm
Cividale, National Archaeological Museum
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The Lombard necropolis of Ponte del Rio in Spilamberto

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“An exceptional disc fibula in gilded silver was found in one of the women’s tombs, equipped with one of the most richly decorated items, which was then transformed into a pendant, adorned with a glass paste cameo surrounded by river pearls, glass pastes and motifs. filigree.”

Byzantine pendant in gold and pearls enclosing a cameo from the Roman age (diam. 4.6 cm, thickness 3 cm). 
Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Emilia Romagna.

Naples, National Archaeological Museum
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Spectacular brooch from Keszthely-fenékpuszta Horreum, Hungary. It’s an example of the Avar goldsmith’s art from 6th century. Brooch is made of gold with fantastic garnets, crystal quartz cabochon and pearl beads.