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Family portraits from Enns (Lauriacum, Noricum) Severan period

These family portraits of Enns, ancient Roman site Lauriacum in today Austria, come from the Severan period (the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 3rd century). All women wear necklaces, a simple string of beads (like pearls or metal and gemstone / glass beads), or a double string with a central medallion as a girl on the relief nr 4613 from the database (pic. 1 belowe).

Similar necklaces in color we can see on the portraits from ancient Egypt.

Portrait of a woman from Rubaiyat, Roman period Egypt, is dated to 160-170 C. In the British Museum

Not as good a sculpture as shown above, but also interesting because of the portrait of a woman wearing a necklace with lunula pendant, and the ornament in the form of winged sea-creatures, is the funerary stela of Privatius Silvester from Ennsis dated to 100-150

Similar motif of the sea-griffins can be seeing on sculptures from Hatra, for example, as an ornament on the military commander’s belt. This statue is dated to 2nd-3rd century, is on display in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad.
Photo by Hanming Huang