Gold; emerald and mother of pearl; 34.5 cm; 1st century
from Pompeii, Bottaro locality, Valiante fund;
Naples, National Archaeological Museum; Inv. 113576
Bibl .: G. Fiorelli, News of the Excavations, 1881, p. 27; L. Breglia, Catalog of the goldsmiths of the National Museum of Naples, Rome. 1941, p. 62, 473; R. Siviero, The golds and ambers of the National Museum of Naples, Florence, 1954, p. 51, 164, pl. 133 and pl. coloured.
The ribbon, made up of four threads of links decorated with discs, is studded with eight large white-iridescent pearls, mounted in settings, and nine emerald cylinders, the two ends set, the others strung. The closure consists of a hook and a convex-shaped stud, decorated with a plasma in the center and an edge of knurled threads. The overall effect is extremely lively due to the color contrast between the white of the mother of pearl and the green of the emerald.
Stock Photo Pedicini MN 1289.
© 1996. White Star Srl
© 2004. Photo, text: Liberati AM Drevnij Rim: Istoriya tsivilizatsii, kotoraya pravila mirom / AM Liberati, F. Burbon; for. s angl. K. Panas. – M .: OOO “Izdatel’stvo Astrel”; OOO “Izdatel’stvo AST”, 2004, s. 87. [The Archaeological museum of Herculaneum is specified as the location on p. 292 of the book. – Site Editor’s Note .]
© Photo: Foglia Photo.
© 1989. Description: The Collections of the National Museum of Naples. I, 2. De Luca Art Editions – Leonardo, Naples, 1989. P. 216, cat. no. 4. 70.