Wheel-shaped gold pendant in filigree technique and with granulation. 2nd century
Augusta Raurica is a Roman archaeological site and an open-air museum in Switzerland located on the south bank of the Rhine river about 20 km east of Basel near the villages of Augst and Kaiseraugst. It is the site of the oldest known Roman colony on the Rhine. wiki
Gold jewelry of Lunnern was discovered in 1741. The governor Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1699-1761) initiated excavations in the same year, during which a burial ground and various objects, more than 80 silver coins together with 15 golden pieces of jewelry of the highest quality were discovered.
This golden jewelry set, consisting of chains with intricately crafted clasps as well as various pendants, earrings and a bangle is undoubtedly one of the most valuable finds from the time from the middle to the end of the 3rd century in Switzerland. [https://kultur-online.net]

Earring from the Roman gold treasure found in Lunnern, around 250 CE. Swiss National Museum
The find recovered in 1741 consists of a rosette with ear hooks (missing), a center piece decorated with three leaf tendrils and two pendants (pendants). The third pendant was lost after the treasure was found, as were the pearls at the end of the pendile.
- Schmuck und Tracht zur Römerzeit, Max Martin-Kilcher, Stefanie Martin-Kilcher https://www.augustaraurica.ch
- https://www.iaw.unibe.ch/forschung/roemische_provinzen/lunnern_zh/index_ger.html
- http://www.squix.org/ottenbach/index.php?title=Der_R%C3%B6mische_Goldschmuck_aus_Lunnern_(ZH)
- Der römische Goldschmuck aus Lunnern, video >> https://youtu.be/uN53GzycchY