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National Museum of the Republic of Adygea, the catalog

Source: The catalog of the collection, National Museum of the Republic of Adygea, “Artistic gold and silver of Adygea” [Художественное золото и серебро Адыгеи] Maykop 2012

Maykop – city and capital of the republic of Adygea, Krasnodar territory, Kuban / Black Sea region
Photo by Svetlana Tesheva
National Museum of the Republic of Adygea
Выставочный проект «Мир женщины в интерьерах исторической памяти»


National Museum of the Republic of Adygea
Выставочный проект «Мир женщины в интерьерах исторической памяти»

Gold and glass bracelet, 1st – 2nd century.
Coast of Krasnodar Reservoir.
Recovered material [Подъемный материал], 1989.
Diameter – 7,5 cm. Height – 1,6 cm. Weight – 40,09 g.
National Museum of the Republic of Adygea
NMRA 11941, cat. 19

Copyright (c) 2003-2010 National Museum of the Republic of Adygea

Gold and crystal quartz beads, 1st-2nd century.
Width – 7.8-7.5 cm. Height – 5.6 cm. Weight – 133.40 – 125.11 g

Coast of the Krasnodar reservoir. A. Tauikhabl, recovered material, 1990

Inventory number: NMRA 12016, cat. 18

Perfume bottle, 2nd-3rd century
Silver. Glass.
Cemetery near vil. Gorodskoy, burial 2.
Excavated by A.A. Sazonov, 1989.
Height – 7,0 cm. Diameter – 4,0 cm.
NMRA 11948/2.
cat. 31

Perfume bottle, 2nd-3rd century
Silver. Glass.
Cemetery near village Gorodskoy.
Excavated by A.A. Sazonov, 1989.
Height – 4,6 cm. Diameter – 3,6 cm.
NMRA 11948/2
cat. 32

Gold plaque. Early 5th century BCE.
village Ulyap, Krasnogvardeysky area.
Excavated by V.R. Ehrlich, 2007.
Size – 2,8×2,0 cm. Weight – 1,18 g.
NMRA 13328/1.

Plaque, gold. 4th century BCE
A gift to Museum from the Fund for the Support of Culture and Art of the President of the Republic of Adygeya
(Dzharimov A.A.), 2002.
Diameter – 2,0 cm. Weight – 4,39 g.
NMRA 12838/7.

Earrings, gold. 4th-3rd C BCE
village Apostolidi.
Excavated by A.A. Nekhaev, 1988.
Length – 4,5 cm. Weight – 7,0–6,0 g.
NMRA 11849/2,3.

1. Temporal pendants. Gold. I-II centuries AD Elevating material, southern bank of the Krasnodar reservoir.
2. Neck hryvnia. Gold. 2nd-3rd century, burial ground Gorodskoy
3. Beads. Cornelian. II-III centuries. AD Burial ground Tauykhabl.
4. Pendants. Glass. 1st century BC. – I century. AD Burial ground Krasnogvardeyskoe.
5. Beads. Gold. II-III centuries. AD Burial ground Gorodskoy
6. Sew-on decorations. Gold. I-II centuries AD,  Gorodskoy

Temple  pendant, gold
2nd century BCE
village Tauyhabl.
Recovered material, 1989.
Length – 8,1 cm. Weight – 7,96 g.
NMRA 11899/a.

Temple  pendant, gold
2nd century BCE
village Tauyhabl.
Recovered material, 1983.
Length – 7,8 cm. Weight – 7,15 g.
NMRA 11396.

Temple  pendant, gold
2nd century BCE
Coast of Krasnodar Reservoir.
Recovered material, 2000.
Length – 1,8 cm. Height – 2,9 cm. Weight – 2,98–3,09 g.
NMRA 12621/1.

Photo © Museum of Adygea

Rhyton with Pegasus protome. Adygea, burial ground Ulyap [Ульские курганы]. 4th century BCE. Silver, gilding

Ulskiye mounds (Ulyap mounds) – a group of eleven Scythian-Meotian mounds located near the village of Ulyap

Rhyton from Ulyap, a detail.
Photo from the archives of the North Caucasian branch of the State Museum of Oriental Art

Photo ©National Museum of Adygea

3rd millennium BCE. Maikop culture. Gold.
vil. Novosvobodnaya, burial mound 2, burial 2.
Excavated by A.D. Rezepkin, 1982.
Diameter of the rings – 2,8 cm; pin – 7,5×0,5; spacers – 2 x 0,25 cm;
beads in the form of butterflies – 2×1,6; 2×1,8.
Weight – 86,1 g.
NMRA 11361.

Ritual  bowl
1‑st half of the 3rd millennium BCE. Maikop culture. Gold.
Burial mound «Treasures», burial mound 11,
sacrificial set 1.
Excavated by A.D. Rezepkin, 1986.
Diameter – 9,7 cm. Height – 0,9 cm. Weight – 46,86 g
NMRA 11962.

10th-11th century

 Rings, 10th-11th century
Bronze. Silver. Gilt. Turquoise.
Glass paste.
Burial mound near the vil. Kolosovka.
Excavated by P.A. Ditler, 1959.
Diameter – 2,6–2,5 cm.
NMRA 8991/24. cat. 47

Курганный могильник у х. Колосовка.
Раскопки П.А. Дитлера, 1959 г.

48. Brooches
10th-11th century. Silver. Gilt. Turquoise. Glass paste.
Burial mound near the vil. Kolosovka.
Excavated by P.A. Ditler, 1959.
Diameter – 4,5–3,8 cm.
NMRA 8991/14.