PRSTEŇ Z BOHATÉHO HROBU I Z KRAKOVIAN-STRÁŽÍ (ŠTÝLOVÁ A GEMOLOGICKÁ ANALÝZA) [Ring from the rich Grave from KRAKOVIAN-STRÁŽÍ (Stylistic and gemological analysis)]

Belt decoration made of silver sheet metal with geometric ornament and decoration imitating pearls. Grave II.
Balneological Museum Inv. no. A-813. (Photo: E. Drobná – modified authors) [pearl border]

KRAKOVANY – Grave II. – The second tomb from Stráž is one of the richest in the whole barbarian. It was found in 1939, about 10 m from the first grave, under similar circumstances. The grave was approximately 400 m long and lay 450 m below the surface, and a man aged 20-30 years was buried in it. More than 70 objects have been preserved from it, among which stand out 3 silver vessels, decorated with relief decoration. Together with other vessels and objects, they were obtained by V. Budinský – Kriček under adventurous circumstances from the families of the finders in the 1950s and 1960s. The rarest and most interesting find is undoubtedly a large silver plate – lanx (diameter almost 46 cm), on the edge with embossed decoration. This decoration depicted the monarchist conspiracy of the sons of Consul Lucia Iunio Brutus and their subsequent execution. In the center of the plate is an engraved and gilded scene of the oath that Brutus obliged the Roman people to defend the republic. The plate and other silver vessels date differently – to the 1st century BC, or to the 2nd century, but it is certain that they did not reach the tomb until the 3rd century AD in the years 259-260. Some of the silver vessels bear the names of previous Roman owners. They could have been buried in the ground in the 1960s or 1970s – due to the relatively young age of the buried, as evidenced by other finds – TS, bronze vessels. Tomb 2 is thus approximately two to three decades older than tomb 1. There were also other silver and bronze vessels, silver clasps, a bronze folding table with a hanging bowl.”

Spectral analysis of objects from Germanic tombs from Roman times