N. I. Sudarev, M. Yu. Treister, Medallion with a Goddess and the Zodiac Symbols from Necropolis Vinogradnyi 7
“Excavations uncover the treasures of the ancient inhabitants of the Taman Peninsula”

“The unique find was made by archaeologists of the East Bosporus Expedition of the IA RAS under the leadership of Nikolai Sudarev, who were entrusted with rescue excavations. The find has already been dubbed the oldest horoscope in the world, since on the fibula the face of the goddess Aphrodite is surrounded by the signs of the Zodiac. At least ten of them are now clearly distinguishable (two more drawings will be able to be identified after restoration). Prior to this, the exhibit dating back to 72 BC was considered the oldest of the astrological rarities known to scientists depicting the signs of the Zodiac.”