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Scent bottle 5 – Olbia, Ukraine, 1st century BCE/CE. Gold, garnet, glass paste [d/b]

©The Walters Art Gallery
©The Walters Art Gallery

Flask from Olbia, found in 1913 in the robbed 1st century burial. [M. Treister]
The museum dates jewel back to the 1st century BCE.
Gold, blue enamel, garnet
Measurements: length with a chain 16.5 cm, bottle: L 4.5 x W [with loops] 5.5 x diameter 3.9 cm; weight 61.3 g.

“The cap has four blue-enamelled leaves arranged in a quatrefoil design around a garnet set within a ring of twisted wire.” [M. Treister]

In The Walters Art Gallery, inv. no. 57.380