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Pokrovka burial mound, 5th century BCE

Pokrovka is a village in the Orenburg region of Russia on the border with Kazakhstan, on the left bank of the Ileka River. Since 1911, a dozen burial mounds with hundreds of burials have been discovered in the vicinity of the village.

The burial mound [kurhan] 2 is dated to the 5th century BCE.

Pokrovka, Kurhan 2
After M. Treister
Pokrovka, Kurhan 2
Gold pendants with the bears tooth, shell and chalcedony seal (king’s battle with a beast)
After M. Treister
Pokrovka-2, Kurhan 3, burial 2
Photo from
Pokrovka-2, Kurhan 3, burial 2
Photo from
Bronze mirror, dimensions 23.3 x 21.1 cm
Pokrovka-2, Kurhan 3, burial 2
Photo from

  1. Комплексы с предметами ахеменидскогокруга могильника Покровка, М.Ю. Трейстер, М.С. Шемаханская, Л.Т. Яблонский
    [Complexes with objects of the Achaemenid circle of the Pokrovka burial ground, M. Treister, M. Shemakhanskaya, L. Yablonsky]
  2. Heritage of Kazakhstan, Almaty 2001, Vol. I
  3. “Amazonka” from Prokhorovka, an article