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Sarmatian round brooches of the 2nd-3rd century of the Great Hungarian Plain

1–2: Nyíregyháza-Felsősima, Gyebrás farm, 1: grave 297, 2: grave 195,
3–4: Üllő M0, site 5, object 6894

Istvánovits Eszter, Kulcsár Valéria: Egy újabb fibulavariáns az alföldi szarmatáknál / A new brooch variant in the material of the Sarmatians of the Great Hungarian Plain

“The brooches dealt with in this study belong to disc fibulas with domed plate cover, to a special subgroup. Their main characteristic is the plum seed- or drop-shaped glass inlay. The plate cover was fixed to the base with a special tin-lead alloy. This is a rare type of disc brooches presently known from three sites of the Sarmatian Barbaricum.[…]
These pieces were also attributes of the female costumes.”