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Gold medallion from Gorgippia, Aphrodite – Urania – Artemis, 1st century [d/b]

Gold medallion with a stamped image of the syncretic deity Aphrodite-Artemis from a burial of a child, 1st century CE. Diameter 4.5 cm

The female semi-figure with two Eros and a scepter can be interpreted as Aphrodite Urania (the necropolis of Gorgippia gave several similar images on identical gold and silver medallions). Under the bust of the goddess, there are two animals [dogs?] what distinguishes this medallion from similar ones and allows to connect the image with the cult of Artemis.

Medallion was found in the box that also contained bronze bracelets and brooches, a long wooden case with traces of bronze covering with gilding, bronze mirrors, one in a lead frame. A terracotta mask of young Dionysus, a chalcedony ring, a bronze ring with a gem on carnelian (anchor), an iron key, a small ceramic flask, an amphora made of transparent bluish-green glass with a glass, a large amber rim, two gold bracelets, 1240 beads and figured pendants made of glass, amber, jet, agate, carnelian, Egyptian faience. The amber figured pendants are unique: phallic, in the form of a head in a helmet and a pomegranate apple.

Lit.: M. Treister, Synkretische Göttinnen auf dem Schmuckwaren der ersten nachrischtlichen Jahrhunderten aus Phanagoreia und Gorgippia und einige Beobachtungen zur Ikonographie des Aphodite Ourania im Kimmerischen Bosporos

Е.М. Алексеева и др., Анапский археологический музей-заповедник; pp. 124-125, 130

Е.М. Алексеева 2021, Некрополь античного города Горгиппии: комплекс гробниц рубежа II–III вв. н.э.