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11. Earrings in the form of ram figurines. Gold. 2nd century BCE.
The village of Ladozhskaya, 1944, excavations by N.V. Anfimova.

10. Temple pendants. Stanitsa Dinskaya, 1973, excavations by E.A. Yarkova.

13. Earrings in the form of ram heads. Gold, stone. 2nd-1st century BCE.
Stanitsa Razdolnaya, 1977, excavations by A.A. Nekhaeva.

12. Earring in the shape of a goat. Gold, 2nd C BCE – 1st C CE; found Krasnodar, 1983.


A belt plaque, gold, bronze, glass paste; 1st-2nd century.
Ст. Тифлисская, Курган 10
Along the edge, the plaque is framed by a border of 11 sockets with blue paste inserts. On the reverse side there are three mounting holes.
2.9 x 2.8 cm


Курган у ст. Усть-Лабинская. Кубанская область

Collection of the Museum in Krasnodar
ANCIENT GOLD OF THE KUBAN Felicina Museum, Krasnodar

Gorgippia necropolis, tomb 2, sarcophagus 2.
2nd- mid-3rd century CE.

A bracelet. Gold, glass, turquoise. Diameter 8.6 cm
Anapa Archaeological Museum, KMHA, MD 3299

Art Treasures of Ancient Kuban

“The rounded loop is adorned at the edge by filigree work and inlaid with turquoise. An oval flap on a hinge and lock with an insert of green glass and filigree work.” [Art Treasures of Ancient Kuban]

Photo by Vladimir Dar
Ornament, diameter 3.8 cm. Gold and turquoise
Belt buckle, gold and turquoise. L: 6.3 cm

Jewelry of Eastern Mediterranean provenance. Burial complexes of the 1st century BCE.
The Kuban: 1–4  – Peschanyj Barrow 1, burial 10.
The Crimea: 5–8  – Nogaychik Barrow.
[Drawings by V. Mordvintseva; photos by V. Mordvintseva & Yu. Zaytsev; in Barbarians of the North Pontic Region]

Polychrome necklace. Gold, garnet, chrysoprase, rock crystal, agate, chalcedony, almandine.
Second half of the 1st century BCE.
Peschanyj Barrow
Drawings and photos by V. Mordvintseva; in Barbarians of the North Pontic Region
Peschanyj Barrow
Фибула-брошь. Золото, железо, сердолик. Diameter 4 cm
Конец II – начало I в. до н.э. Хутор Элитный
Photo © Vladimir d’Ar
1st century BCE
Brooch. Gold, Carnelian; 3×2.3 cm; 1st century. Mikhailovskaya settlement
Photo ©Vladimir d’Ar

The brooches. The Kuban (2nd–1st centuries BCE).
1 – Razdol’naya Barrow 7, burial 13;
2, 9 – Lenina-I burial 12;
3 – Starokorsunskaya chance find;
4 – Verkhniy Barrow 3, burial 5;
5 – Verkhniy Barrow 14;
6 – Bryukhovetskaya Barrow 3, burial 13;
7 – Peschanyj Barrow 1, burial 10; [Krasnodar region]
8 – Mezmay burial 3;
10 – Dinskaya Barrow 1, burial 3.

Fibula. Gold, iron, carnelian, glass. End of 2nd – beginning of 1st century BCE, Dinskaya barrow
Fibula-brooch, intaglio with the image of Athena, gold and carnelian, 3×2.5 cm
1st-2nd C. 
Kuban region, village Ust-Labinskaya, “Девять братьев” группа курганов
ГИМ 48478/342
Photo © Vladimir d’Ar
13. Fibula-brooch with the image of Athena, village Ust-Labinskaya.

14. Fibula-brooch, intaglio depicting Diana with a bow, gold, carnelian; 4×3.1 cm 1st-3rd century 
ГИМ 10571

15. Oval fibula, Geimanovskaya village [see below]
Brooch, gold on a bronze base, glass inserts, diam. 6 cm, max thickness 0.9 cm
2nd-1st century BCE. Kuban region, Yekaterinodar department, Seversky Kurgan [Екатеринодарский отдел,Северский курган]
Photo © Vladimir d’Ar
ГИМ 544
A fibula-brooch; burial ground No. 1 near the Lenin farm (Krasnodar). 
Krasnodar Museum
Oval gold fibula with filigree ornament and glass inserts; 5,1х3,8 cm. 1st-3rd century
Kuban region, Geimanovskaya village [Курган станицы Геймановской]
ГИМ 42419/55
Fibula-brooch 1st century BCE
Felicina Museum, Krasnodar
Kuban region, village Novo-Dzherelievskaya
1st-2nd century
Size Shield: 3.7×2.1 cm; ring diameter: 2.6 cm. Gold, glass
ГИМ 23817/1
Image credit Valentina Mordvintseva

Golden brooch with a crystal quartz from a the grave of a male warrior.
3rd-2nd century BCE, Mezmay burial
5.8 × 4.8 cm [more]
20. Бляха. Золото, агат. III – II в. до н.э. Поселок Мезмай
Gold and sardonyx; diam. 4.5 cm; 1st-3rd century
Ust-Labinskaya stanitsa [Kuban region], “Девять братьев” группа курганов
ГИМ 48478/683

Brooch, 3rd-2nd century BCE
Razdol’naya burial ground [Ст. Раздольная], Barrow 7, burial 13 [Ancient Heritage of Kuban]
Felicina Museum, Krasnodar

Photo source:

Фибула. Золото. Вторая половина II – начало I в. l в. до н.э. Краснодарский край.
Photo ©Vladimir d’Ar
Фибула. Золото, сердолик. I в. до н.э. II – l в. до н.э. Краснодарский край.
Photo ©Vladimir d’Ar
Фибула. Золото, сердолик, железо, 3.9×2.2 cm. II в. до н.э. Станица Раздольная
Photo ©Vladimir d’Ar
Фибула. Золото, железо, стеклянная паста. Первая половина II в. до н.э. Станица Раздольная
Photo ©Vladimir d’Ar

Collection of the Museum in Sochi
Read also: Ю. H. Воронов, Древности Сочи и его окрестностей, Изд.Краснодарское книжное издательство, 1979

Jewelry and ornaments from the 2nd-3rd century female burial in Loo, Sochi region. Found during excavations in 2007-2013 on the territory being prepared for the construction of infrastructure related to the Olympics in Sochi.
An article from the catalog of the exhibition “Ancient gold of the Kuban and the Black Sea region” by Guseva A.V.

An ornament in the shape of a temple, 2nd-3rd century, female burial in Loo, Sochi region
Photo © MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
© MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
Brooch, gold; 2nd-3rd century
female burial in Loo, Sochi region
Photo © MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
© MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
2nd-3rd century
female burial in Loo, Sochi region
Photo © MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
© MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
Perfume / oil bottle. 2nd-3rd century
female burial in Loo, Sochi region
Photo © MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
Needle case with chain, gold. 2nd-3rd century
female burial in Loo, Sochi region
Photo © MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi
Photo © MBUK Museum of the History of Sochi

Silver medallion, a fibula оn а bronze plate, with Aphrodite and two Erotes.
The Kurdzhipskiy mound, а secondary buriaI.
Excavations of V. Sysoyev, 1896. The Hermitag
Photo source:


  1. Barbarians of the North Pontic Region and Their Contacts… In: Cojocaru, V. – Rubel, A. (ed.), Mobility in Research on the Black Sea Region. Cluj-Napoca 2016. (Pontica et Mediterranea VI). P. 381-432. Valentina Mordvintseva
  2. Mordvintseva V. I. Прикубанские броши (по материалам Краснодарского государственного историко-археологического музея-заповедника)
  3. Гусева А.В. Статья в каталоге выставки «Древнее золото Кубани и Черноморья». Издатель «Платонов». Краснодар-Сочи. 2013г.
    Guseva A.V. An article in the catalog of the exhibition “Ancient gold of the Kuban and the Black Sea region”. Publisher “Platonov”. Krasnodar-Sochi. 2013
  4. ANCIENT GOLD OF THE KUBAN Felicina Museum, Krasnodar, Russia
  5. Ancient Heritage of Kuban
  6. Art Treasures of Ancient Kuban, catalog of an exhibition, Moscow 1987
  7. E. A. Khachaturova (ed.) Gold of the descendants of Hercules. The peoples of the Kuban region of the 6th century BCE – 3rd century CE.
    Krasnodar: Tradition Publishing House, 2015
  8. Fibula-Brooch with Pendants from the Barrow Studied in the Northern Surrounding Areas of Cherkessk;
    Yuri Prokopenko
  9. «Золото потомков Геракла». Народы Прикубанья в VI в. до н.э. – III в. н.э. Часть 3.