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Stele from Syria, Roman, 2nd century. For sale in Vienna [d/b]

UPDATE April 2023

Relief is for sale by Christoph Bacher Archäologie Ancient Art Gallery: Stubenring 20, A-1010 Vienna, for 18 000 €

Provenance: Private collection Jany Gabriel Parise, acquired prior to 1984. With an expertise by Jean Roudillon of 16 April 1984. Accompanied by a French antiquities passport.

Description: Large limestone stele with a sculptural bust of a woman in the carved niche. The woman, whose name is indicated at the lower bottom with Saturnilla, looks at the viewer with wide open eyes under thick lids. The pupils are perforated. She is holding possibly scrolls in her left hand, while pulling her veil together with her right. The hair is carefully curled and parted in the middle. Saturnilla wears striking earrings and a robe that is tied on the left shoulder. The depiction of the deceased and the soft limestone make it clear that the stele originates from northern Syria, possibly from Zeugma in what is today eastern Turkey. With translation and description by the Viennese epigraphist Katharina Michner BA MA.”

Estimate: 10 000 € – 12 000 €
November 2, 2021 2:30 PM CET
Paris, France

LIMESTONE STELE Roman Art, 2nd Century

Rectangular stele decorated in relief with the bust of a patrician wearing a headband, wearing a veil draped over her shoulders and adorned with earrings. Under the bust, two lines of inscriptions indicating the name of Saturnilla.
Some losses and restorations.
Dim.: 62.5 cm x 46 cm

Jany Gabriel Parise collection
Expertise was carried out by Jean Roudillon in 1984

A Roman limestone stele, 2nd century AD