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Sarmatian triangular earrings – an overview

Photo after M. Tonkova

Earrings from Buzău, Romania, 1st century [read more]

©Вінницький обласний краєзнавчий музей

Temporal pendants. 
Gold, glass. 1st century. From a barrow near the village of Porogi, Yampil district, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine
Скроневі підвіски. Золото, скло.
І ст. н.е

©Вінницький обласний краєзнавчий музей

Temporal pendants. 
Gold, glass.
1st century. From a barrow near the village of Porogi, Yampil district, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine

Скроневі підвіски. Золото, скло.
І ст. н.е

the Volgograd Regional Museum

Sarmatian earrings

Walters Museum
VO.60 (57.382, 57.383)

5.8 cm, gold and gemstones
From Olbia, Ukraine; 1st century BCE

Gold earrings with amber-colored glass inlays, the Ilovlinsky district of the Volgograd region, Russia

Gold earrings with glass inlay and figurine, found in a woman’s grave at the necropolis of Ust-Alma; 2nd century

Photo after I. Khrapunov 2008

Cemetery of Nyzats, Crimea, 4th century [read more]

[read more] 1st century, Tauric Chersonesos

Ukraine, 2nd-4th century [read more]

Gold triangular earring with amethyst and glass paste inlays, found in Adamclisi, Romania, 2nd century [read more]

©Azov Museum-Reserve

2nd/3rd century [read more]

Earrings with pendants (figurine depicting Attis, gold, glass),
presumably the 1st century CE
Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore

Earrings and ring with pendants and inserts (gold, garnet, paste),
presumably the first centuries CE
Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore

Краснодарский край. Анапа. Передано из КГБ СССР в 1982 г.

Gold and glass, 1st-2nd century
Anapa, Krasnodar Region

British Museum 1923,0716.11

Late 3rd – 4th century
Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine
“Gold earring pendant of triangular sheet: 2 tear-shaped collared garnet below 1 green glass cabochons; heavily enriched with twisted and beaded wire and triangles of granulation across base; three hollow, U-shaped pendants on chains at base.”

Copyright 2016, James A. Glazier

Gold woven chain triangular earrings with pendants and garnet insets. Jewelry of the Black Sea nomads (Sarmatian?), 4th Century AD – 5th Century AD. Found in 1904 AD, in Kerc, the ancient Pantikapeion. Roman-Germanic Museum (Römisch-Germanisches Museum), Köln, Germany.

Vitalie Bârcă, THE REINTERPRETATION OF THE SARMATIAN FINDS FROM THE ROMANIAN PLAIN (I), Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2/1, 2015, p. 35-71. DOI:
From a Thracian burial of high priestess Leseskepra from Anchialo, Bulgaria;1st C BCE-1st C CE
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