Funerary relief of merchants, a child and a camel. Palmyra [d/b]CAMELS, DATA BASE, PALMYRA db, Palmyra reliefs db This bas-relief was also found during excavations in 2008. It depicts Palmyra merchants, a child and a camel. Share on Social Media x facebook pinterest reddit emailmastodonRelated Posts:Relief of a woman with a child (brother?), Palmyra,…Palmyra, funerary relief of a woman with a child,…Relief of a woman with a child [sister], Palmyra…Relief of Amataḥâ with a child, 3rd C Palmyra…Relief of a woman with a child, Palmyra, 200-275 CE…Relief of a man with a camel, Palmyra, 2nd C Palmyra…previousPalmyra, sarcophagus with a temple motif [d/b]nextPalmyra sarcophagi, small parts