Created: Sarmato-Alanian Culture. Late 1st century BCE – early 1st century CE
Found: Tumulus 1. Zubovsky fkhutor, Tenginskaya Cossack village, Maikop sector, Kuban region. Russia
Excavated by Nikolai Veselovsky, 1901These five round decorative plaques have mosaic glass insets in the center. The rim is embellished with small opaque glass cabochons in soldered-on sockets of narrow metal strips and filigree work in the form of little scrolls and hearts. Each plaque has an eyelet on the back. They were once attached to the leather strap.
According to Sergey Voroniatov these are phaleras of the horse headgear, and there is one more, oval plaque from the set.
Diameter 4.5 cm. Dated to the 1st C BCE / 1st C CE. In the Hermitage https://www.hermitagemuseum

Фалары конского оголовья из кургана 1 на Зубовском хуторе // Архϵологiя i давня iсторiя Украïни. Вип. 3 (36). Киïв, 2020 (Phalerae the Decoration of Horse Headgear from Barrow 1 on Zubovski Khutor)
Sergey Voroniatov [academia.edu]