(5th century BC – 14th century AD)”
Sevastopol – 2012 https://whc.unesco.org/uploads/nominations/1411.pdf

Polychrome earring with pendants. 4th century CE
Gold, colored glass.
Total length 5.5 cm; shield height 3.0 cm.
The earring consists of a triangular plate, to the upper edge of which a wire bent into a hook is soldered. Four chains ending in metal pendants are soldered to the bottom edge. The edge of the front side of the plate is decorated with soldered wire braiding and six inserts of colored glass arranged pyramidally: five with rounded outlines,
one (top) is triangular.

“Драгоценные украшения, найденные в склепах у главных ворот города, ныне хранятся в Эрмитаже“
III–IV centuries AD
Gold, colored glass.
Length 2.8 cm; width 1.2 cm; insert 0.4 × 0.5 cm.
Moon pendant; on the front side there is a braided braid of gold wire soldered around the perimeter, on the shield there are zigzag gold threads, in the center there is an insert of colored glass in an oval caste.
A loop is soldered in the center of the suspension arc.

ГМЗ ХТ. ИКАМ 36572/739.
Amulet pendant.
II–IV centuries AD
Gold, colored glass.
Length 2.0 cm; diameter 0.9 cm.
A hollow cylindrical pendant made of a thin plate, tightened by three clips turning into loops; ends are closed. On the front side there are two round blue glass inserts surrounded by profiled wire. The rest of the surface is decorated with filigree. The inside of the amulet is full. [Золото Византии: Каталог выставки]

Gold of Chersonesos. Jewellery from the collection of the State Historical museum, Denis Zhuravlev
Hellenistic necklace made of glass and stone beads in settings, with bullhead clasp.
Second half of the 3rd–2nd century BCE
Gold, carnelian, rock crystal, chalcedony, glass, paste. Length 34 cm
The necklace consists of 38 beads, which in ancient times belonged to two different sets. The bulls’ heads are made of two embossed in shape and welded together records. A hook is inserted into the mouth of one bull, and clasp loop. Beads are located behind the bull’s heads spherical in shape, set in gold rosettes with miniature petals. The middle part of the necklace is a set of smooth and ribbed beads in spherical, biconical and pear-shaped shapes. [Золото Византии: Каталог выставки]
ГМЗ ХТ. ИКАМ 36465/7

Hellenistic butterfly necklace, the farewell gift for beloved woman. 1st century BCE, made Eastern Mediterranean, found Chersonesus [Tomb 630], Crimea, outskirts of Sevastopol
Gold, emerald, garnet, amethyst, rock crystal, glass, pearl; length: 30.5 cm

Medallion with a depiction of goddess Tyche – Fortuna, 1st-2nd century; gold and glass paste.

Gold of Chersonesos. Jewellery from the collection of the State Historical museum, Denis Zhuravlev

Earrings with umbo-shaped shield and suspension. 2nd-3rd century
Gold, garnet.
Length 3.3 cm; shield diameter 0.9 cm.
Earring with round convex shield in the form of an umbo, surrounded by a rim
from grain. In the lower part shield ring to which a suspension bracket made of twisted wire with teardrop shape garnet bead at the end.

Gold of Chersonesos. Jewellery from the collection of the State Historical museum, Denis Zhuravlev

Pair of earrings with an openwork medallion and a pendant; 3rd century
Found: Chersonesus. South-west of the Crimean Peninsula
Gold and garnet, 1,5х3,8 cm


3rd century earring, one of a pair, gold and chalcedony cameo [GIM 95570/405]

3rd century earring, one of a pair, gold and chalcedony cameo

2nd-3rd century earring, gold and carnelian
Length overall: 4.3 cm

Романчук, Алла Ильинична.
Исследования Херсонеса-Херсона. Раскопки, гипотезы, проблемы
Т. 1 : Античный полис Компания Мир, 2008. — 807 с http://hdl.handle.net/10995/3391
при оформлении использованы фотографии В. А. Филиппова и архива национального заповедника «Херсонес Таврический» [photographs of V. A. Filippov and the archive of the National Reserve “Tauric Chersonesos”]
Т. 2 : Византийский город науч. ред. А. Г. Еманов. – 2008 http://hersones.eu/books/Romanchuk_vol2_Byzantium.pdf
- Золото Византии: Каталог выставки. Великий Новгород, 2023. Государственный историко-археологический музей-заповедник “Херсонес Таврический” https://www.academia.edu
- Сокровища Южного пригорода Херсонеса Таврического | Treasures of the Southern Suburb of Tauric Chersonesos
https://www.academia.edu - Вспомни, где все начиналось. Альбом к выставке | Remember where it all began. Album for the exhibition
https://www.academia.edu - Gold of Chersonesos. Jewellery from the collection of the State Historical museum; Denis Zhuravlev