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Gold medallion with an image of Jesus, Turkey [d/b]

“1500-year-old gold medallion depicting a figure of Jesus Christ has been put on display at a museum in Turkey’s northern province of Çorum. The locket was discovered by treasure hunters during illegal excavations in 2017 […]

archaeologist Resul Ibis said […] “The medallion is unique, it depicts Jesus Christ Pantocrator holding the Bible in his left hand and raising his right hand in blessing. This image, which we normally see in churches, icons and mosaics, is for the first time on a gold coin engraved in Najaf gemstone with gold filigree”.

The Dur Al Najaf stone used is a precious quartz stone. It is mined only in Wadi Us Salam in Najaf Al-Ashraf province, southern Iraq. The stone has a clear white color.”

In my opinion the frame can be earlier, is comparable with brooches of the Roman period.