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Roman children with a Horus lock – notes


Roman Children and the “Horus lock” between Cult and Image. In: Gasparini, V. / Veymiers, R. (eds.), “Individuals and Materials in the Greco-Roman Cults of Isis. Agents, Images, and Practices”. Proceedings of the VIth Int. Conf. of Isis Studies. Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 187, p. 509-538.


 Fragment of the marble sarcophagus of a little girl called Attaliane, Rome,late 2nd cent. Rome, © Musei Vaticani


 Marble grave stele of a Roman boy, Ostia,early 4th cent.  Ostia,Museo Ostiense, 150. After Becatti 1938, pl. 34, fig. 1